Brock Kaess

Rocket League

I’m a Grand Champion (at my peak) in Rocket League and this is a page about my achievements as a community player, team player, and enthusiast. If you would like to track my past or current rankings and various stats you can do so here.


I have been playing rocket league since my freshman year in college which was 2017. At this time, I probably have around 4k hours in the game and have hit GC multiple times. Though with college wrapping up and my classes becoming more advanced, I find myself playing less. I’m now known as what the kids these days would call ‘washed’.

Starting in 2017 I also joined the CSU Esports Association which at the time did not have a team for Rocket League. Starting in the Spring 2018 we got a team put together with tryouts. Come Fall 2018 we had grown vastly with probably around 20+ competitive members and 15+ casual members. I joined as a competitive player and the school quickly rose in the ranks being one of the best in the nation. So even though I was an C and B team, I was far ahead of most other C teams out there.

I was lucky enough to get to play alongside many amazing players and friends. We even had a RLRS player Nomad on the A team. And I got to play against a big content creator Jonsandman and Sotus in some ranked games. I made some great memories and milestones in this game and with the teams that I’ll never forget. Below are some more images from the game, CSU’s design team for the club, and players on the school team that are very skilled in photoshop. I will also have some of my best clips/plays linked below as well.

I’m very proud of my achievements in the game and on the team. I have reached ranks in many categories that place me with the top 1% or less. And the game started out small but has only grown and I am excited to see where the game goes and how far I will too.


Phone Wallpaper

Phone wallpaper Phone Wallpaper

Phone Wallpaper Ultrawide Desktop

Ultrawide Desktop Logo (Used in gifyourgame)

Logo CSU Esports LOGO 2020


The following are some of my best plays from fakes and doubles to demos and whacky hits with some funny clips sprinkled in as well. I’ve got plenty of clips for you to enjoy or laugh at if you have the time :) I will link a few of my favorites and put the rest on here to help this page load faster. You can also check out my profile on gif your game here.



Clip 1

Clip 2

Clip 3

Clip 4

Clip 5


Clip 1

Clip 2


Clip 1

Clip 2