Brock Kaess


Welcome to the rabbit hole of whatever else I want to showcase! I am running out of room for tabs in the navigation bar, and categories to put things, so here is where you will find everything else random about me.


This is a page dedicated to music I have produced. I only made three songs, and they are fire (if fire is hot trash). I thought it was fun and wish I would have stuck with it but apparently geometry homework was more pressing. I hope you do enjoy!


Here are all my wallpapers (past and present) for ultrawides, phones, profile pictures, you name it! Feel free to reach out for an original copy or download it straight from this page. I will have them organized/grouped by the wallpaper type, but in no particular order.

Rocket League Clips

The following are some of my best plays from fakes and doubles to demos and whacky hits with some funny clips sprinkled in as well. I've got plenty of clips for you to enjoy or laugh at if you have the time :) Here is one of my all-time favorites: (Sidenote: There's a weird glitch last I checked in which the link shows a very small image of the video. just click it and it will resize to a proper percent of the screen and start playing :)